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1st Level Courses are directed to, are directed to:
  • Adults, also foreign nationals, without a recognized 10th or lower grade certification
  • Minors of 16 without a recognized 8th grade certification;
  • Minors of 15 under specific circumstances referred to in the Agreement bewteewn Ufficio Scolastico Regionale and Regione Toscana;
  • Unaccompaigned Foreing Citizens above 15 years old.
2nd level courses are directed to, are directed to:
  • Adults, also foreign nationals, without a recognized 10th or lower grade certification;
  • Who is sixteen and are already in possession of a middle school diploma; who demonstrate that they cannot attend the day courses;
2nd level courses are directed to, are directed to adult foreign citizens

  • To attend the courses it is necessary to have an adequate knowledge of the Italian language
  • To attend the courses is also necessary to demonstrate a good level of italian language, the knowledge of civic culture and civil life in Italy ( Decreto Presidente della Repubblica 179 del 2011).
  • Priority is given to candidates to a higher qualification than previously achieved. Enrollment of adult candidates already possessing a high school diploma is possible only for exceptional and documented needs and within the limits of available places